

Which outpatient therapies are there in nuclear medicine?

The existing cooperation with other disciplines ensures that the Center for Nuclear Medicine has a close integration and a comprehensive and interdisciplinary outpatient care of patients.

Outpatient examinations

Nuclear medical examinations are conducted on an outpatient basis. However, because nuclear medicine has the ability to accurately represent metabolic processes, our examinations require a little more time than, for example, an X-ray, which is a brief snapshot of the morphology of your body. The diagnosis can take 20 to 6 hours, with special examinations it is necessary to record several consecutive days.

Possibilities of nuclear therapy

Many functions of various organs can be examined by scintigraphy. The prerequisite for this is that, depending on the organ to be examined, the radioactive substance intended for this purpose is selected. The amount of radioactivity supplied to you usually causes a low radiation exposure. In children, a lower bodyweight-related activity is generally chosen. For some examinations (eg heart, stomach) it is important that you come to us soberly (without breakfast). Also with iodine allergy a scintigraphy can be carried out.

Fear of radioactivity

If radioactive examination methods are new to you, and you have reservations or questions, our medical staff will be pleased to advise you.We do our best to make your stay in our center as pleasant as possible for you. Side effects such as nausea, vomiting or emotional disorders do not occur in nuclear medicine examinations, since the amounts of administered substance are low and not pharmacologically effective. Actually, you do not notice anything at all and besides a needle stick for the injection no pain is to be expected.

The costs

Many of our examinations and treatments are taken over by the statutory and private health insurance companies. Just ask directly before your treatment.
Do you have any further questions concerning the treatment, the procedure or the assumption of costs? Please call us directly:
0421 369368367
Scintigraphy examinations

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Neun qualifizierte Ärzte für nukleare Medizin kümmern sich um unsere Patienten

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